Apartment rentals are a common need for every travelers or employees that might be working in the cities of Metro Cebu. There are many online and offline ads for you to get apartment rental information but our listing might help you fine a better one. If you can fill up our form we can help you find or locate the apartment you need.
Listing some of our Apartment that is for Rent
*Note: This listing might be available or someone is renting on the apartment listed here, it will be better to fill up our form to assist you with your needs.
Cebu City Apartment Rentals
If you’re looking for Cebu city apartment, it will be better if you ask us so we can help you with the apartment that you need. Please check our form and send us your requirements and budget
Mandaue City Apartment Rentals
If you’re looking for Mandaue city apartment, there are some residential and and condo units so it will be better if you ask us so we can help you with the apartment that you need.
Lapu Lapu City Apartment Rentals
This island and its cities has beautiful apartments. If you’re looking for them please send us a message in our form.
Other Cities Apartment Rentals
Listing all apartments that is for rent in other areas nearby Metro Cebu.