
There are many products in Baguio City that you can buy. Each of these products are coming from the diligent people in Benguet. Baguio has many things to offer aside from the main vegetable products they have, these are handicraft and skilled workmanship of individual that create beautiful hand craft that they sell it there markets.

Baguio Top Products

Baguio Vegetables

Baguio Vegetables

The best vegetables in Baguio are potatoes, carrots, ube, beans, broccoli’s, cauliflowers, lettuce, cabbage, radish, and many more. We provide you a way to get a Baguio Vegetables Supplier for you to get their prices and for you to take your order. 

Baguio Fruits

One of the common fruits produced in Benguet or CAR (Cordillera Administrative Region) are Strawberries. These strawberries has different varieties that attract many tourists in the area. It is also common known as a Baguio Strawberries.

Baguio Strawberry

Baguio Preserved Foods

There are many preserved foods available in the city and these are strawberry jam, ube jam, peanut brittle and many others.

Baguio Preserve Products
Baguio Handcrafted Goods

Woodworks are also known in Baguio City. Each of these handcrafted products are found in Baguio block market.

Baguio Flowers

In Baguio and other areas nearby is one of the top producing area for different kind of flowers. These flowers are Raflesia, sampaguita, chrysanthemum, gladioli, anthurium, roses, orchids, lilies, carnation and many others.

Baguio Plants

There are many small plants you will be interested in the city of Baguio. These are cactus, pine trees and others