Benguet Potato Supplier – Farmers

Farmers in Benguet commonly utilize a variety of granola for cultivation, particularly in the highland regions of the Philippines where the colder climate is conducive to potato growth.

Type of Potatoes

There are many types or varieties of Potatoes that you need to understand, these are from yellow, reds, whites, purple, Petites, and fingerling. In Benguet, farmers usually plant the yellow potato to provide them a good harvest. All of us knew that potatoes’ purpose is to fuel the body with the strength you need each day.

Potatoes in Baguio are sometimes imported to many different countries where they knew what is the best yielding potato to be planted.

Benguet Baguio Potato Supply

Baguio Potato Growers

Benguet province is a mountainous area that is blessed with fertile soil. It is also known to be the best source of vegetables like potatoes because planting a plant like this can give them the opportunity to supply the demand of consumers. Good farmers knew what type of potatoes they plant to yield higher crops when the time of harvest. Planting potatoes are not easy but most farmers knew what is the best type of potato they are going to plant.

Potato Supplier in Benguet

Farmers knew the place they can sell their yield or production. Each of the farmers will bring their product to the market where traders will buy and bring it to mass customer consumption. Time and transportation will take place as they distribute the hard-grown potatoes into the local market.

Traders are vital to make sure you have potatoes that you can distribute to the consumer. We all know that supply and demand should work to make sure that prices and supply could be handle.

Normally the way to get potatoes is to book an order in this form below or you can contact some person to handle your order.

Benguet Baguio Potato Supplier
Each sack contains 50kl and Prices vary each time you will order.

Potato Order Form

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    Date needed to be delivered:

    Ex: dd/mm/yyyy (10/06/2020) - Time: 1:00pm

    Address of Drop Point

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    - I have read the Terms and Conditions of Philippines Cities.

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