These are the hotels in Pangasinan that you can book through Agoda. There rates vary from the type of service and rating of their hotels. Some of them are quite affordable to your budget and some of them are usual rate for travelers. We’ve listed these hotels with their exact location to enable travelers get an easy access to their routes. These hotel directory are connected and link to Agoda. You can check and browse their current status if the hotel you want to stay are still available or not. You can also book your hotel immediately if its available.Pangasinan Hotel Directory

  1. Puerto Del Sol Resort is located in Barangay Ilog Malino, Pangasinan, Philippines.
  2. Lisland Rainforest Resort is located in Sn. Vicente, McArthur Highway, Pangasinan, Philippines with an area code of 2428.
  3. Islandia Hotel    “Marcos, Ave., Palamis”  Pangasinan, Philippines with an area code of  2404.
  4. El Puerto Marina Beach Resort and Vacation Club is located in Don Martin Domingo St. Pangapisan North, Pangasinan, Pangasinan, Philippines with an area code of 2401.
  5. Boating World Amianan and Beach Resort is located in Nibaliw Vidal, Pangasinan, Tawitawi, Philippines.
  6. Happy Ripples Beach Resort   is located in Mabilao, Pangasinan, Pangasinan, Philippines with an area code of 2433.
  7. Island Tropic Hotel and Restaurant is lcoated in Boulevard Street Alaminos City, Pangasinan, Pangasinan with an area code of 2404.
  8. Villa Soledad Beach Resort is located in Ilog Malino, Pangasinan, Pangasinan, Philippines.

To learn more about Pangasinan and its cities here are some few cities to check why you are in Pangasinan. These cities are Alaminos City, Dagupan City and many others.