Cebu Red Cross is located at Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City, Philippines. You can contact them when you want to get or share blood in their admin. Helping people through blood donation is something that you can do to help those who are in need. You can check their Red Cross office in Cebu or call them to confirm what you want in their office.

Tel: (032) 253-9793

Address: Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City, Philippines

About Red Cross Cebu

Philippine Red Cross was established in 1947 to help the local people of the Philippines. This organization provides excellent life-saving services that save a life in a difficult situation for the Filipinos.

Philippine Red Cross is recognized as a voluntary, independent, and autonomous nongovernmental society to assist humanity.

Red Cross accepts any volunteers who will donate blood. Those who will donate will fill out an application form, be interviewed briefly, and attend the Red Cross orientation course.